Secret Indochina was established in 2011, following the encounter of Tran Quang Hieu and Nicolas Vidal, two professionals passionate about authentic and impactful travel. Secret Indochina, Destination Management Company branch of Amica JSC, strives to lead travelers to outstanding sites, magical places, and little-known ethnic communities.
A common passion drives the project: genuine human encounters and cultural exchanges. The creation of Secret Indochina is the result of twenty-five years of research, explorations, personal investment and dedication. In addition, the agency cooperates with a group of partners and prestigious establishments sharing the same vision.
From luxury to adventure journeys, Secret Indochina offers customized itineraries showcasing exclusive Secret Experiences in Vietnam, Laos & Cambodia. The company has offices in Hanoi, Saigon, Siem Reap & Luang Prabang.